This article is very important, make sure you read it carefully!
1. FIT Token:
FIT Tokens are unlimited and can be achieved through your physical moving in either Single Mode or Challenge Mode. FIT Tokens are burned by:
- Shoe-minting
- Repair
- Leveling up Sneakers
- Stone upgrade
- Unlocking Spaces
From May 12th - May 24th, FIT will be used as the only Token to pay for Minting NFTs Sneaker costs in ShoeMinting event. Minting costs calculated on FIT are as follows:
- 168 FIT / Minting time from 2PM UTC 12.05.2020
- Fees increase by 10% each time: 16.05 - 20.05 - 24.05
Mining fee for each user will be different. It depends on:
- Number of times you have minted NFTs
- Types of NFTs that you use to Minting
After 2PM UTC 24.05.2022, the Minting NFTs charging mechanism will revert to the mechanism announced in the whitepaper. It means, after the ShoeMinting event, you need to pay both FIT and Calo Tokens for Minting NFTs.
2. Calo Token:
Calo Token remains Calo Metaverse's only Governance Token. With the status of a Governance Token, Calo will be a prerequisite for some important functions in the Game:
- Minting NFTs after the ShoeMinting event ends
- Level up NFTs at important levels
- Transaction fee
- Edit NFTs / Reset NFTs
- “Staking” to participate in special events
- Cost to unlock special features of NFTs or Game-play
- Being a Governance coin in Social-FI
- Cost to upgrade Premium NFTs Skin
To start "earning" Calo Tokens, your NFTs need to be level 30 and Calo Metaverse will open Calo "earning" mode during special events. With this change, the value of Calo will be enhanced through each stage of the game's development. From there, bring the most optimal profit for the owner.
3. End:
To better understand the Calo Metaverse Beta Phase 2 version and how FIT and Token work in the game, follow Calo's whitepaper!
Whitepaper at: